






今日はフルハウスseason1-2(Our very first night)をみていきます。






In Michelle's Room
Jesse: All right
Joey: And the diaper is...ON
Jesse: Beautiful! 17 minutes. We beat our old record by 37 minutes.

Joey and Jesse: Baby wipe.

wipe:to rub a surface with something in order to remove dirtliquid etc

baby wipe:おしりふき
Joey: Hold it.


たとえば病院で胸のレントゲンを撮るときに、「息を大きく吸って~、そこでとめてください」とか言うときに”Take a deep breath,and hold it”とか言ってパシャっと撮ったりするときにも使われます。

I'm about to make a quantum leap in diapier theory.

I'm about to V:まさに~しようとする

a quantum leap:もとは「量子飛躍」という学術用語ですが、「飛躍的大進歩」的な意味で使っていますね。
Jesse: Go with it,go with it.

Joey: If we triple the diapier,we get three times the protection,but we change her one third as often.


2 times:2倍の

one third:三分の一
Jesse: Loving it,loving it.


We get two diapiers and Michelle Tanner,come on down.

Joey: The other way to go is to tie a hefty bag around her waist.

a hefty bag: "hefty" is a brand of trash bag

Hefty Strong Large Black Trash Bag

That way we'd only have to change her on trash day.
Jesse: (talking to Michelle) Jr.Jammy time. Ha!
Joey: (talking to Michelle) It's you!
Jesse: All right. We go. (talking to Joey while doing the diapiers)We put the leg in...like....so...simply...uh...we tie...like this...very nice.
Joey: Wow! Snagging a plan.

snag:Something that stops your progress "we hit a snag, and could not continue the project." [syn]problem,

I suggest something eles.

We go with the lovely two peice ensemble from baby Almani.

ensemble: a set of clothes that are worn together
Jesse: Using your head,using your head.All right. here you go.
Joey: Oh yuppie,baby.
Jesse: Oh,this is great.
Danny walks in
Danny: Ok I got the girls...
Joey and Jesse: TADA!!!
Danny: Gentleman,Tarzan,who was rasied in the jungle by apes,went to bed in better shape then that baby.
Jesse: Big deal.

A big deal: something important,

You're about a guy who wore diapiers his entire life.
Danny: I really appreciate the effert,but I'll take it from here.
Jesse: Oh yeah! Now that all the work is done.

Good night,Michelle.
Joey: (imatating a baby) Good night,Uncle Jesse.

Next time you see me,I'll have a big surprise for you.

I don't care how many diapers I have on. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.
Danny: (Taking Michelle) Give me my kid! (to Michelle) Oh! You really are a good sport.


sport: used when speaking to a boy in a friendly way


In Jesse's Room, Stephanie walks in.
Stephanie: Hi,Uncle Jesse
Jesse: How are you doing,kid?
Stephanie: (looking around) What's happened to my room?
Jesse: It's pretty cool,huh?Look at this! (walks to Elvis poster) I hung Elvis up here.
Stephanie: Over my bunnies?
Jesse: Stephanie, you're bunnies are very...pink.
Stephanie: My mom made these bunnies just for me.Don't you like them?
Jesse: These bunnies.I lovee these bunnies.I'm sure Elvis had bunnies hanging all over Graceland.


Danny walks in
Danny: Ok riddle time.(なぞなぞだよ)

riddle:a question that is deliberately very confusing and has a humorous or clever answer  [syn]puzzle

What had blond hair,purple P.J.'s,and is way past their bedtime?
Stephanie: Um...Elvis?
Joey walks in
Joey: Steph,the sandman express is coming. All aboard.
Stephanie goes on Joey's back
Stephanie: HO HO
Jesse: (to Danny) You see that? Any of your ape friends do that for Tarzen?

In Stephanie and DJ's room.

Joey and Stephanie go throught the door while DJ is already in bed.

Joey and Steph to to her bed.
Joey: Next stop...Stephanie's bed.
Stephanie goes in to bed under the covers
Stephanie: Thank you,sandman express.
Joey: And the sandman express runs every night.
DJ: If I get on now,you'll drop me off at the nearest hotel?
Danny and Jesse walk in
Danny: Ok,lets say goodnight.
Jesse: Alright,goodnight JR babes.
Stephanie: Uncle Jesse,tell us a bedtime story.
Jesse: Uncle Jesse doesn't not know any bedtime stories.
Stephanie: Yes he does.
Jesse: No he doesn't.
Stephanie: Yes he does.
Jesse: (sternly) No he doesn't.
Stephanie: (pretending crying. Rubbing her eyes) Yes he doesssssss.
Jesse: I'll make one up!


Stephanie: Yeeeeahhhhh!!!
Stephanies runs to DJ's bed and lies to the right of her
Jesse: Alright fellows,help me out here.
Joey: We'll make it to a game.

Steph,you start the story and you girls point to us when you want someone else to take over.

Stephanie: Ok.Once upon a time there was a pretty girl named Cinderella. (points to Danny) Daddy.

Danny: And uh..Cinderella wanted to go to this big fancy ball.

ball: a large fomal dance party

And on the way she wandered into this cabin,and she fell alsleep in papa bear's bed.

cabin: a smakk house
Stephanie: I don't think so.
Danny: No wait honey,it gets better.She is on the bed,out like a light. When all of a sudden....
Stephanie: Gggg! Joey...
Joey: Um..when Cinderella woke up,she was real thirsty. So she went to a Seven-Eleven and got a Slurpee where...she ran into Bullwinkle.




Bullwinkle said (acted like Bullwinkle) "Hello Cinderella. Would you like to come to the ball with me?

Not only am I a great dancer but you can hang your coat on my antlers." (to Danny and Jesse) Kids love this stuff. (Back to the story) So...

antlers:ne of the two horns of a male deer
DJ: Gggg! Uncle Jesse!
Jesse: So Cinderella and Bullwincle,they get married right.

They go on the Newly Wed Game.

And they win a grand prize selected expecially for them.

The End. Good night.
Stephanie: Gggg! Daddy.
Danny: Untill the big bad wolf came on them.And he said "Open up,or I'll huff,and I'll puff,and I'll blow you're house down. And I can do it to because as we all know wolves have an amazing lung capacity.

huff: angry

I'll huff, and I'll puff…このセリフは(怒って、ぷーって息を吹いて、家をふきとばしちゃうぞ)という『三匹の子豚』の狼の有名なセリフです。
Stephanie: Gggg! Joey!
Joey: Hhhhhhuuu!!
DJ: Ggggg! Uncle Jesse!
Jesse: So the wolf,the moose,and the babe,they all fell in love right.

They move to Sweeden where the people are alot more cool about sort of things.

And that's the end of the story. Good night and good bye.
DJ: No monsters,no witches,but that story was very scary.
Danny: Ok sweetheart. (Kisses Stephanie) It's time to go to bed.
Stephanie: Can I ask one more favor?
Danny: Sure honey. What is it?
Stephanie goes to her bookshelf and takes out a pile of books.

Then gives them to Danny then goes to bed under the covers
Stephanie: Study these story books.

We'll talk about them in the morning.
Danny: (to Jesse and Joey):Ok. Who wants Puddle Duck and the Quack-Quack Gang?
Jesse and Joey: Read it!


In the living room where Joey and Danny are leaving. Jesse comes down the stairs to the door with his band stuff
Jesse: Oh,Joey,Danny.How are you guys doing. Good night.(half way opens door. Danny stops it)
Danny: Wow,wow. Hold it guys. Red light.

Guys,the only way that three adults can leave the house at the same time is if three chrildren are with them.


Two adults can leave,one adult can leave,three,two or one child can leave with one to three adults.

The three adults can never leave with three or less chrildren.Got it?
Jesse: Look thats all fascinating stuff.

fascinating: extremely interesting

But I have have to get to band rehersal.
Joey: Yeah. I have a ten thirty slot at the laugh machine.
Danny: I have to do the sports at ten o clock. I'm sorry Jesse.
Jesse: What do you mean "I'm sorry.Jesse" Why not I'm sorry Joey or I'm sorry Danny?
Danny: Because I have an actual job that pays money.
Joey: And I bring the gift of laughter into the world at ten thirty.
Jesse: Yes,well I make music,songs that touch peoples hearts,that penetrate their very souls.

penetrate: to enter something and pass or spread through it, especially when this is difficult  [syn]pierce

Now how can you compare that to telling jokes?
Joey: Are you seriously trying to tell me that music is more important then comedy?
Jesse: You got it,pal.
Joey: Two words. Ozzy Osborne.
Jesse: Two more words. Rip Taylor.
Joey: The Partrige Family.
Jesse: Anyone on Hee-Haw.
Joey: Charo.
Jesse: Bozo
Joey: Hey. Bozo did some brilliant work.
Jesse: O yeah,right,right.The early Bozo was real good. I'm sorry.
Joey: Ok. We'll settle this with the only way truly fair way. Ready go. (they do rock,paper. Joey wins) Once again comedy kicks musics butt.







