

フルハウスseason1-3 その①









今日はシーズン1の3話’’The first day of school’’をみていきます。




秋, フォレスト, カップ, ヴァルトゼー, ベンチ, 愛の生活, モットー, 葉, 紅葉, 残り, 休憩


 DJ and Stephanie are in their room with Kimmy

DJ: So Kimmy, we've got to be the first ones in class tomorrow to get the seats in the back row.
Kimmy: Okay, why?
DJ: Because it's the best place to pass notes.


Kimmy: I love the way your mind works.

Stephanie is sorting through her clothing on her bed.

sort:① to arrange things in groups or in particular order according to their type.

②to deal with a problem successfully or organize sth/sb properly

Stephanie; This outfit is all wrong.

Tomorrow's the first day of kindergarten and I have nothing to wear.
DJ: Your bed is full of clothes.
Stephanie: Yeah but they're not me.


That's just not me.っていう風にも言ったりします

Well, they're me, but they're the preschool me.
Kimmy: I'll sit anywhere you want, as long as it's not near Arthur Wilcox.
DJ + Kimmy: Arthur Wilcox, ewwwwwwww!
Stephanie: (walks to DJ's bed) Who's Arthur Wilcox?
DJ + Kimmy Ewwwwwwww!
DJ: Stephanie please, Kimmy and I are talking about school.
Stephanie: So am I. What if I walk into class wearing a goofy outfit, and everyone says ‘Stephanie Tanner, ewwwwww!'?

goofy: silly,stupid
DJ: Would you stop worrying? Kindergarten is so easy.

The only thing you have to know is the pledge of allegiance.

The pledge of allegiance:忠誠の誓い(アメリカ)

pledge: a sirious promise

allegiance: a person's continued support for a political party, religion, ruler, etc

Stephanie: What?
DJ + Kimmy: (rise from the bed, speaking very fast) I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Stephanie: I'm dead meat.

I'm dead meat.: It means that you're in serious trouble.That you did something wong, and you're going to get in trouble for it.

Jesse and Joey enter, Jesse is holding a very messy Michelle
Jesse: Kimmy, your mom's downstairs.
Joey: She said you were supposed to be home a half an hour ago.
Kimmy: Uh oh, that's the third time today.

She's going to kill me.
DJ: Don't panic, just set your watch back one half hour.
Kimmy: I love the way your mind works. (exits the room)
Stephanie: (wearing a blue sweater, jeans, and a brown jacket) Uncle Jesse, how do I look?
Jesse: Like a bag lady.
DJ: What happened to Michelle?
Jesse: Well, your sister Michelle tried to eat her dinner by pushing it through her face.
Joey: Yeah. We'd better give her a bath.
Jesse: That's a good idea Do we know how to do that?
Joey: Sure, it's just like giving a puppy a bath, only there's a little less tail to clean.


Later that night, DJ is asleep. Stephanie shines a flashlight in her face.
Stephanie: DJ, are you asleep?
DJ: I can't tell. I think I'm blind.
Stephanie: Will you look at one more outfit?
DJ: Stephanie, I've seen your entire wardrobe twice.
Stephanie: Okay, want to listen to the pledge.

I pledge allegiance to the flag, of some states of America
DJ: (DJ picks up Stephanie and puts her in her own bed) I am going to tuck you in, very tight.


Stephanie: and to the public which understands
with God and liberty I'm dead meat!


Jesse and Joey have finished Michelle's bath.
Jesse: Okay she's clean.

You could eat off this baby (puts Michelle in the basinet).
Joey: Hey Jesse, thanks for helping me out with the baby.
Jesse: No problem, I've got a date tonight with a dancer, but not until midnight.
Joey: Another exotic dancer?
Jesse: For your information Joseph, I happen to be dating a ballerina. (Joey stares) Okay, she's a topless ballerina.

Good luck tonight.
Joey: Yeah, tonight 9:30.

This could be the big break I've been waiting for Jesse.

I've been at this comedy stuff since I was 4 years old when I did my first impression.

Ever since then all I've wanted to do is make people happy.

Does this make any sense to you?
Jesse: Oh yeah, I know what you're saying.

You see Joey, you're talking about that magical moment when all of the sudden you know what you want to do with your life.

Happened to me when I was six.

Turned the TV on, and there was Elvis Pressley, the King Creole.

He actually played a two-fisted, fun-loving, girl-chasing,singing busboy.

two fisted: (人が)力強い、剛健な




Anyway, Elvis made me feel that music was something special you know.

I've got to be honest with you, when he started singing Hardheaded Woman, forget about it, I was touched.

It was like, it was like this (stands up in the tub and starts trying to sing and dance like Elvis).
Joey: Jesse, you are great man.

You've got all the moves
Jesse: Well, I feel it you know.

I feel it, and I'm doing this lip thing, you know, which is new.
Joey: Sing another song.

Would you please, for Michelle? She loves music.
Jesse: Alright, I need a scarf.

I need (takes a towel off the rack).

Here we go. Alright, get a load of this.

load:a large quantity of something that is carried by a vehicle, person etc

get a load of this:たくさん見ろ→「よくみろ」という意味です


(singing) Love me tender, love me sweat (throws the towel over Michelle).

Never let me go.

You have me, and I have you too.

And I love you so.

Love me tender, love me (Danny enters the room).
Danny: Oh my God!
Jesse: What! We were just giving the kid a bath!
Danny: Then why isn't she in the tub?
Jesse: Because Joey's in the tub, and I'm in the tub, and there's not enough room for, you know all of us!
Danny: It's obvious, I I really am intruding.

obvious:  easy to notice or understand

intruding:to interrupt someone or become involved in their private affairs, in an annoying and unwanted way

I'm going to go and put Michelle in her crib (kisses Michelle), I'm going to go check on my other girls, and just leave you two sailors to your suds and your singing.

suds: せっけん水、せっけん水の泡


 (Danny leaves, Jesse resumes singing)

resume: to start doing something again after stopping or being interrupted


Danny enters DJ and Stephanie's room
Stephanie: Hi daddy!
DJ: (sleepy) Hi dad.
Danny: (turns on a light) Why is everybody awake?
DJ: I'll show you (flips the covers off of Stephanie's bed).
Stephanie: (wearing a bright pink dress, carrying a lunchbox, rises from bed) I'm ready for school!
Danny: Honey, you're ready for the prom.
Stephanie: You said this would look good.
DJ: Hey, if you can't have fun with your little sister, then what's the point in having one?


出荷, 綱引き, 船, 海の, 北の海, Towage, 海

Next morning, Danny is in the kitchen, Jesse and Joey enter.
Danny: Good morning boys.
Joey: Mornin' Pa, Hoss.
Jesse: Little Joe.
Danny: How did it go last night?
Joey: Well, I started out great, but right in the middle I
Danny: No. No, I meant in the bathtub with Hoss.
Jesse: Look, I finished Love Me Tender, we did a short medley from Viva Las Vegas, and got the hell out of the tub.
DJ and Stephanie enter the kitchen.
DJ: Dad, we're all ready.
Danny: Girls, I don't want to brag, but Chef Boy-r-dad has made some super great lunches for a super great first day of school.

brag: to talk too proudly about sth you own or sth you have done

And you know what Stephanie, for you, I've got a brand new lunchbox! (shows Stephanie a ‘Jetsons' lunchbox)

Stephanie: The Jetsons!
Joey takes the lunchbox, imitates the sound of the Jetson jet car as he gives it to Stephanie.
Joey: (imitating George Jetson) Hi, I'm home. Hi Jane, hi Elroy, hi Astro (switches to Astro the dog voice).

Hi George, how was your first day of school?


Danny: And DJ, for you, I've got a brand new Barbie lunchbox!
The girls turn to Joey.
Joey: I don't do Barbie.
Jesse: Oh darn.
DJ: Thanks dad, but fifth graders don't carry lunchboxes anymore.
Danny: Try to sell it to a first grader.
DJ: Come on Stephanie, we don't want to miss the bus.
Stephanie: (mumbles) I guess not.
Danny: Wait girls.

Stephanie honey, are you sure you don't want me to go with you?
DJ: Don't worry dad, I'll make sure she's okay.
Stephanie: (mumbles) Yeah, it'll be fine.
Danny: You girls are really growing up.

Stephanie's starting school Wait here, I'm going to get my video camera.

Don't move.

Danny moves into the living room with his camera.
Danny: You just come in when I tell you to okay, when I say action.

Okay, now give me love. Action!
DJ and Stephanie enter the living room, Jesse and Joey enter behind them.

Jesse and Joey: (singing) Is this the little girl I carried? Is this the little girl at play? I don't remember growing older, when did they? (Danny hugs the girls) Sunrise, sunset! Sunrise, sunset, swiftly flow the years.

(DJ opens the door, the girls wave as Danny joins the chorus)

One season following another, lay down with happiness and tears.
Danny: My little baby is starting school.
Stephanie reenters the living room.
Stephanie: I changed my mind. I'm not going.
Danny: Stephanie honey, what do you mean your not going to school?
Stephanie: (sits on the steps) I don't feel good, maybe I'll go next year.
Jesse: You don't look sick.
Stephanie: (frowns) Is this better?
Joey: (walks up to Stephanie) Well, the face is almost there.


Give it kind of a (pushes in her lips) like that, and throw in a real hacking cough (coughs loudly).

hacking cough:から咳
Stephanie and Joey trade coughs three times, DJ reenters the house.
DJ: Come on, we're going to miss the bus.

(Stephanie coughs) Stephanie, are you okay?
Joey: See, now your tricking people.
Danny: DJ, you go on ahead.

Stephanie's a little nervous about her first day of school.

I'll make sure she gets there.



”How did you get there?”どうやってそこに行ったの?と使ったりします

DJ: Okay, I'll see you there. (closes the door)
Stephanie moves to the couch.
Danny: Stephanie, where are you going? Stephanie, I want to talk to you. Sweetheart, don't you want to go to school and be smart?
Stephanie: I'll stay home and watch public television.
Jesse: Come on Stephanie, spill your guts.

spill ones guts:すべてをぶちまける(tell the truth)

 Why don't you want to go to school?
Stephanie: Because I don't know anybody.

I will be all alone, it'll be real scary.

I won't know anybody, and I won't have any friends.
Danny: Oh. Stephanie, you're going to make friends, I promise.

You and I, we're going to go down there together, and daddy's not going to leave until everything's alright.









