

フルハウス Season 1-4 その②








中心部, 愛, 催眠, 感情, ロマンス, ロマンチック, バレンタイン, カラフルです, プリズム


Joey comes running in.

Later, in the kitchen, the guys are passing boxes up from the basement.
Danny : Coming up.
Joey : Coming up
Jesse : It's up.
Danny: (
passing Michelle to Joey) Coming up.
Joey: Coming up.
Jesse: Don't we have one of these?

DJ: I'll take Michelle.
Stephanie: (dragging Mr. Pandy) I hate this thing!
Danny: Only five hours till my mum shows up.

Here's the plan. I'll do the kitchen. Joey, you do the living room.

Jesse you take the bedrooms. Now, who's going to do the toilets.
Joey + Jesse: Oh, girls!


In the living room, Michelle is riding on Bubba'sback.
Stephanie: Giddy up, Bubba. Giddy up. Come on.

Guddy up: はいどう、進め

The guys walk in.
Joey: Can I go next?
Danny: DJ, go put Annie Oakly in her bunkhouse.
DJ takes Michelle upstairs.
Danny: Jesse, find a corral for Trigger.

Jesse puts Bubba in Michelle's cot.
Danny: Joey, I'm all out of cowboy metaphors, so let's just put away the grub.



I was wrong, I had one left.


Joey: Danny, we've been shopping all morning, can't we have a little Yogi break?

Jesse : Yeah, sit down with your family. Relax. Watch the bear.
Jess: Yeah,sit down with your family. Relax. Watch the bear.

Danny: All right, All right, but we're just going to watch until Yogi gets a picnic basket. OK, he's got one.
Claire walks in.
Claire: Hi.
DJ + Stephanie: Grandma!
Danny: Oh, my god.
Claire walks up to Michelle's cot and looks inside.
Claire: Oh, my god, my granddaughter is a turtle!
Joey: (lifting up Bubba) Michelle needs your love now more than ever.
Jesse: Give me that! (to Claire) This turtle saved my life.

Bubba, Claire, Claire, Bubba.

I love this amphibian!
Stephanie: Isn't he cool?
DJ: Pat his head, Grandma, he really likes that.
Claire: Oh, he's a reptile!

reptile: 爬虫類

Jesse: Hey, back off.

back off: 離れて、とか物理的な意味でも使えるし、言いすぎなときにも使える。

He's been nothing but nice to you!


nothing but goodとかnothing but badとか、なにか大げさに強調するときに使う。

nothing but badだと悪さばかり働いてる。


Danny: Mum, what are you doing here so early?

Joey said you'll be here at 5:12.
Claire: Try 12:05.


ケンカがはじまるときに「あ?やんのかお前?」っていうシチュエーションのときに”Try me”って言ったりします。そのTry

Joey: Guess you had to find out sooner or later.

My name is Joey, and I'm a time dyslectic.


I would have told you earlier, but I'm justnot sure when earlier is.

(もっと早くに言おうと思ってたけど、もっと早く”when earlier is”っていうのがわからなかった)

Claire: Girls, will you just go upstairs and clean your room?
Stephanie: How did she know our room was a mess?
DJ: Grandma vision.
Danny: Mum, don't worry, we're on the verge of a major clean, aren't we boys?
Jesse: Well, we were but now what's the point?

I mean, no one cleans the house better than your mum, right Joseph?
Joey: Oh, you're awesome, Mrs. Tanner.
Jesse: So why don't we just get out of your way, and Claire, go nuts!

nuts: crazy

Joey: Absolutely.

We'll just catch a movie or something, and Mrs. Tanner, if you happen to finish up before we get back, I'd just like to leave you with these two words - lamb chops.
They leave.
Danny: Don't listen to them mum, you can cook anything you want.


Later, Jesse and Joey come back.
Joey: Honey, we're home.
Danny: Boys, we've got some trouble.
Jesse: I'll say we've got trouble.

Look at this place!

It's a pigsty!

I think you're mum's lost her touch.

lose one's touch: センスをなくす


Danny: She doesn't want to clean up our mess.

She wants us to do it.
Joey: She wants us to do it?
Jesse: What's the matter?

Can't you handle your mum?

You wimp!



You're a total mummy wimp!
Danny: Oh, and I suppose you handle your mum differently?
Jesse: I play my mum like a piano. Yeah.
Claire comes in from the kitchen.
Claire: Well, I'm glad you're back. Come on in!
Two women walk in.
Jesse: Your mum called our mums?
Irene: Hello Jesse.
Mindy: Hi, Joey.
Jesse + Joey: Hi mum.
Claire: Yes, I thought that Irene and Mindy would be very interested to see how you boys keep house.
Danny: (to Jesse) OK, Piano-man. Why don't you show the wimp how to tickle those ivories.

ivories: 象牙(hard yellowish-white substance like bones


Jesse(sternly) Ma?
Irene: (sternly) Jesse?
Jesse: can I make you some tea?
Danny: Oh, bravo, bravo.
Jesse: Guys!
Irene: No tea, thank you. Oh, tuck in your shirt!
Jesse: Ma!
Irene: Oh, Jesse, I remember when you were eight years old.
Jesse: Oh, Ma, please don't tell that story.
Danny: No, tell. Tell.

We love stories.
Irene: I'll never forget it.

My little Jesse tugged on my apron and said," Mummy, can I please help you iron?"

tugged on:つかむ、引っ張る

I said "sure finish the sleeves."

It must have been like when Babe Ruth picked up his first bat. To this day, he's the only one I'll trust with my shefan blouses.


Joey: To iron or wear?
Jesse: Hey, man! To iron!
Claire: All right, enough of this talking.

now you boys have a lot of work to do so where's the vacuum cleaner?
Joey: Vacuum clean? We'll handle this.

Mum, let's show them the hoover.
Mindy: Great.
Joey lies on some roller skates making hoover sounds while Mindy hold his legs.
Claire: Mindy?
Mindy: Of course.

Joey, there is a time to have fun and a time to be serious.
Claire: Listen, girls, I think one of us should be here at all time to se that things go properly, after all this is where our grandchildren live.

Irene: You are so right. I can be here Monday through Wednsday.
Mindy: Well, I'm free Thursday and Friday.
Claire: And I can fly in on the weekends, so it's all settled.
Danny: Boys, we are staring into the jaws of a never ending living hell.




Mums: What?
Danny (to the mums) no offence.
Joey: Mums, I don't blame you for treating us like children, because sometimes that's how we act.

I don't blame you.:仕方ないよ

Jesse: Yeah, listen, girls.

When we first moved in here we knew we had some responsibilities to do, but we haven't really fallen through yet, but from now on we're really going to buckle down.

buckle down:本腰を入れる

Danny: Mothers, I have a proposition for you.

proposition: an idea or a plan of action that is suggested


You all go shopping for a couple of hours, and if this place isn't clean by the time you get back, you can all move in and just rule our lives forever.

Mothers: Deal!


ティーポット, ・ クルーク, 食器, ケーキ屋, 装飾, セラミック, まだライフ, ケーキ, ティータイム

The guys are at the top of the starirs in front of the bathroom.
Danny: OK, there's the bathroom.
Jesse: Yep, there's the bathroom.
Joey: Same place it was last time we didn't clean it.
They all stare inside.
Danny: Here's a thought, why don't we see if the girls have finished cleaning their room.
Jesse: Loving it. Loving it.
They walk into the girls' room. The room is a mess.
Danny: What happened?
Joey: There's been a bedroom tornado.
Stephanie: We lost something.
Danny: Might that be your minds?
DJ: We lost (muffling the last word with her hand)mmmph.
Jesse: What exactly is mmmph?
Stephanie: Mmmph is what you say when you don't want to say "Bubba".
Jesse: You lost Bubba?!
Joey: He loves that amphibian.
DJ: We're really sorry. We turned our backs for one minute and he was gone!
Danny: It's OK, girls, I'm sure Bubba is somewhere in the house.
Jesse: All right, guys, we're going to turn this house upside down until we find that turtle. Ready? Go!
Everyone: Bubba! Bubba!

Later in the living room (which is a total mess)
Stephanie: No Bubba?
Jesse: No Bubba.
DJ: Uncle Jesse, me and Steph will buy you another turtle.
Stephanie: You can have all my money - two dollars and fifty eight cents.
The three mums walk in.
Irene: My advice is don't clean any more, just move.
Danny: We'll be right with you, we're having a little family problem here.
Stephanie: We'll look for Bubba for the rest of our lives.
Jesse: That's all right. Bubba's work here was done.

I'm sure he's out in the world saving other lives.
DJ: You mean you're really not mad at us?

Joey: You didn't think we'd get mad over a stinky turtle.
Jesse: Hey, if you had four armpits and you were an inch off the ground, how would you smell?

ampit:わきの下、the part of body under the arm where it joins the shoulder.


Danny: Girls. Girls, I know you feel bad.

But that's because you love your Uncle Jesse and you feel like you let him down.

I know that losing Bubba was an accident.

You've got to understand we're right behind you no matter what you do.

you have got to:~しなさい、have to よりも鼓舞する感じ。

たとえば美味しいクッキーを差し出してYou've got to try this.(これ試してみて、おいしいから、試してみない手はない)といった感じ


Joey: And if you ever have a problem, we'll be there for you.
Jesse: That's right, and if we ever have a problem, we know you guys are going to be there for us, right?

(DJ and Stephanie nod) All right.

Come here you little munchkins. Give us a hug.
They hug Jesse and Joey.
Danny: Next.
The girls hug Danny.
Irene: That is so sweet.
Jesse: All right, enough of this warmth joke.
Claire: Oh, we're going to have a great time living here, right girls?
Mindy: Oh yes. We are.
Danny: Just a minute ladies. We would like another shot at this please.
Joey: Why don't you the girls to the zoo for three hours.
DJ: Yeah!
Stephanie: Yeah!
Jesse: We've got some work to do all right?

Soon, the guys start cleaning while dancing to a song, and finish off by doing the splits.

Joey: I split my pants.
Danny: I can't stand my pants. All right, guys. We made it with five seconds to spare. Everybody up. Let's go. 5.....
Jesse: We're done.
Danny: 4...
Joey: We're cool.
Danny: 3....
Jesse: We're calm.
Danny: 2.....1....
The mothers and the girls walk in.
Claire: We completely lost track of the time.

lose track: 見失う


Irene: Oh, it's immaculate.

immaculate: extremely clean and tidy

Stephanie: Grandma Irene, does this mean hell is freezing over?
Danny: Go on. Find a speck of dirt.

speck of: 微塵の

dirt: ごみ、泥



I double-dare you.


Mums: OK,
The girls put their suveniers from the zoo on thefront step.
Guys: Hey! Whoa! Whoa!
Jesse: Take Granmda's goodies upstairs, and put them in the toybox right now!
DJ: Whoa! And he used to be the easy one!
Irene, Mindy and Claire walk towards the kitcken.
Joey: Hold it! Hold it!

You are about to enter a sterile environment.

sterile: completly clean

He hoovers each one as they walk into the kitchen
Jesse: Don't even think about it! (in the kitchen)

Ma, what about those creases, huh?


Irene: Oh, Jesse, you still have your touch!
Danny: (
to Claire) Perfet. Everything is just perfect.
Joey: Look, mum, you could eat off these dishes.
Claire: Congratulations I am really proud of all of you.
A woman walks in.
Mrs. Sinski: Sorry. Banks' closed. Can you pay in cash.
Joey: Uh, Mum, I'd like you to meet my fiance, Jennifer.
Mindy: Are you going to give me a grandchild?
Mrs. Sinski: Not for this kind of money.
Danny: Here you go Mrs. Sinski. Thanks for everything. See you you next weekend.
The mums nod unapprovingly.


Danny: OK, so we had a little help.
Jesse: Well, just with the hard stuff and the toilets.
Joey: But we make a great team.
Danny: From now on things are going to go a lot smoother around here.
Claire: I'm sure they will. Does that mean you won't need us anymore?
The mothers give "the lip".
Joey: Oo, they're good.
Jesse: Of course we still need you. You girls come by and visit anytime.
Claire: OK, listen. I have to admit, I was a bit worried how you boys were managing the girls, but, well, you may be a little sloppy but those kids are getting a lot of love.


Danny: Thanks Mum.
Joey, Jesse and Danny hug their mums. DJ comes downstairs.
DJ: Aw, this is nice. I wish Bubba was here to sharethis.
Bubba comes in through the back door on a skateboard.
DJ: Bubba!
Stephanie : I found him. I love that amphibian!

*** End***




