

フルハウスseason1-1 その②











Jesse and Joey are in the front room. Danny has just come home from work...
Danny: Hey guys, how'd it go today with - whoa! What happened? What's with all the dirty baby clothes?
The doorbell rings
Joey: I'm sorry, but every time we fed her, she'd drool, or dribble, or spit up.



spit up:吐き出す


Jesse: Your baby's a pig.
Jesse opens the door, and Vanessa is sitting in the doorway
Vanessa: Hi, Jesse.
Jesse: Vanessa, have mercy.

have mercy:本来は「どうぞご慈悲を」といったニュアンスの言葉をjessは「oh god」とかもっとくだけたニュアンスで使っているようです。


I thought you were supposed to go to the Philippines with Bob Hope.
Vanessa: Oh, well, I am, but the airport's fogged in.



So, is that offer to stay with you any time still good?


Jesse: Oh, it's more than good. It's... uh... amazing!
Stephanie enters
Stephanie: Hi, uncle Jesse. Ready for more ballerina?
Jesse: Uh... we'll play later, okay?
Stephanie: Okay... it's later! Catch me! Ohh!
Jesse: Listen; why don't you go upstairs and play ballerina with your big sister.
Stephanie: I can't. She moved out.
Danny: Stephanie, honey, what do you mean, "She moved out"?
Stephanie: She's gone. She rolled up her crepe paper and took off.


D.Jにとってcrepe paperが出ていくときの大事なものだったのか、



crepe paperが好きっていうの、女の子らしくて可愛いくて笑っちゃいますね。



crepe paper:学校で色紙を折って花とか作るときに使ったアレの紙

Danny: Okay, everybody follow me.
Danny, Joey, Jesse, and Stephanie are in DJ's bedroom
Danny: You lost my daughter? I went to work for seven hours, and you lost thirty-three percent of my children?


Joey, call the police. Jesse, start driving around our neighborhood.

I'm gonna call up DJ's friends.
Stephanie: And I'll go get DJ.

Danny: Stephanie, honey.
Stephanie: Yes, daddy?
Danny: Sweetheart, do you know where DJ is?
Stephanie: Uh-huh.
Danny: Why didn't you say something sooner?
Stephanie: Nobody asked me.


Danny, Jesse, and Joey go into the garage, where DJ is on the telephone with Kimmy Gibbler
Danny: DJ, can I talk to you?
DJ: (on the telephone) Kimmy, hang on.

hang on;ちょっとまって

(to Danny) I'm talking to Kimmy Gibbler.

She called me on her own phone from her own room.

She has three sisters.
Danny: DJ, you don't want to live in the garage. It's filthy... it's stuffy...



DJ: You want some fresh air? (DJ opens the garage door)
Danny: (in a firm voice) Donna Jo, I want you back inside right now this instant. (in a milder voice) Is that okay?


DJ: No thank you, dad. (on the telephone) So Kimmy, where were we?

Jesse: (to Danny) Nice job, dad.

You've been reading Cosby's book?
Joey: Cosby? I'll handle this. (imitating Bill Cosby, talking to DJ)

Hello there, small child- like person.

Mmha... ha... ha... If you move back into the house, you can have a big, juicy bowl of jello. Mmha... ha... ha... ha... ha... ha.
DJ: (on the telephone) No, Kimmy, that's not really him. I'll call you later.
Stephanie enters the garage
Stephanie: Daddy, the baby's crying. She's got that thirsty look in her eyes.
Stephanie goes back upstairs again
Danny: Okay, honey. I'll be right up.



Joey, would you mind warming up the baby's bottle?
Joey: Well, not at all. Although with this particular baby, it might be simpler just to pour the formula directly into the diaper. Well, think about it.



Joey leaves to warm up the baby's bottle

Jesse: All right, DJ's all set and I got Vanessa upstairs waiting, so best of luck to both of you.

all set:準備がととのった、完了した

Danny: No, look, Jesse, look; I got to go check on the baby; won't you just stay here with DJ? Talk to her; I'll be right back.

Your her uncle - try to be parental, or something.



Danny walks upstairs
Jesse: Parental. That's cool. I can be parental. I got parents. (Jesse taps DJ's shoulder)
DJ: Can I help you?
Jesse: Yes. You can move your little bod back in the house.

Look, DJ, I don't blame you for wanting your own room.



But you got to understand; this world's not a perfect place.

Bruce Willis has a record deal.

But then a Vanessa shows up at your door, and it all evens out. You know what I'm saying?
DJ: Yeah.
Jesse: Good, so you'll move back in?
DJ: Nah.
Jesse: Nah! All right, I'll speak the language you understand.

Five bucks if you'll move back.


DJ: Fifty.
Jesse: Ten.
DJ: Forty-nine.
Jesse: A buck? You went down a buck?
DJ: Okay, it's back up to fifty.
Jesse: All right, my final offer : twenty bucks.
DJ: Twenty-one. Vanessa's waiting...


Danny, Joey, Jesse, and Stephanie are in the front room. Joey is putting his things away in the alcove
Jesse: All right, DJ is moving back in.
Danny: She is? That's fantastic! What did you do?
Jesse: I have a very special way with kids.
Jesse starts to go upstairs
Danny: Uh, Jesse, hang on. Vanessa's not upstairs.
Jesse comes back downstairs
Jesse: Where's Vanessa?
Danny: Well, uh...
Stephanie: She's history.


Jesse covers Stephanie's ears
Jesse: What the hell did you do with Vanessa?
Danny: I didn't do anything with her.

I just told her that with three little girls in the house, I thought it would be better is she slept on the couch. And she left.
Jesse: You hate me, don't you.
DJ enters the room
Danny: DJ.
Jesse: Whoa... whoa... whoa... whoa... whoa... whoa... whoa. Vanessa is gone.

The deal is off. I want my money back.


Danny: What money?
DJ: The money uncle Jesse paid me to move back in.
Danny: That's your special way with children - you buy them off?
Jesse: It works. Kid, money.
DJ: Fine, I have other sources of income. I'll go back to my new room and have a garage sale.
Danny: DJ, wait. DJ. (to Jesse) Here, take Michelle. (to Stephanie) Come with me, honey.
Jesse: (looking at Michelle) Don't even think about it.

Danny, DJ, and Stephanie are in the kitchen
Danny: DJ, honey, I can't let you have a garage sale.
DJ: What if I give you ten percent of the profits?

what if:もし~だったらどうする?
Danny: DJ, come here.

Can't you just try sharing your room with your sister?

Your mom was always so good at this stuff.


I'd come home from work, and everything was always perfect.

DJ, how would mom have handled this?
DJ: She would have caught me before I moved into the garage.

Mom knew everything I did before I did it.
Danny: What is it, honey?


DJ: It's just not fair.

First, I lose my mom; then, grandma leaves; now, I even lose my own room?

Everything keeps disappearing.
Danny: I know exactly how you feel.

And I know how much you girls miss your mother, because I miss her too, very much.

But you still got me.
Stephanie: You got me, too.
Danny: You got Michelle, and you have your uncle Jesse, and Joey.

DJ, we're still a family, and now is when we really need to stick together.


DJ, you and I, we go back a long time - ten years.


The ten happiest years of my life.

So look; it's up to you.


Either you move back inside, or all five of us are moving into the garage.

But nothing is gonna break up this team.
DJ: I'll move back in.
Danny: I love you, angel.

You too, little ballerina.


Jesse in the front room, talking to Michelle.

Joey is in the alcove putting his things away
Jesse: Hey, Michelle. Michelle. Can you say, "Uncle Jesse"?
Michelle: Ah-ah.
Jesse: That's it; you said it.

You said, "Uncle Jesse." (Danny, DJ, and Stephanie enter) Starting tomorrow, you use the toilet just like the rest of us.
DJ: Good news.

Uncle Jesse, our deal's back on. (Jesse starts to take out money)

It's okay; I'll put it on your tab.
Jesse: All right.
Danny: Aw. Is this great, or what?


These girls are crazy about you.
Jesse: Oh, sure. I dance around; I give them money.
Michelle: Uh... uh...
Jesse: Now what's the problem?
Danny: Oh, there's no problem. She's singing. Michelle loves music.
Joey: Music? I'll handle this... (Joey starts to sing) Ooh... Flinstones... meet the Flinstones...
Joey & Jesse: (singing) They're a modern stone-age family...
Jesse: Everybody sing along!
Everybody: (singing) From the... town of Bedrock, they're a page right out of history.
Jesse: Let's take a walk.
Everybody: (singing) Let's ride... with the family down the street. Through the... courtesy of Fred's two feet...

*** End ***











